We emphasize in singing technique, discipline and enjoyment of music

Toronto Treble Voices


ENJOY  Singing        through        INNOVATIVE         Choral          Training

Recruitment    New season starts in February

email to torontotreblevoices@gmail.com / submit the contact form or Google form below / call 416-6168233 for audition

  Our Conductor : Ms. Ivy Lo   

  Dip. Ed (music education), BA (music), LRSM (piano performance)

- Gold diploma conductor in the World Choir Games, 
- Former conductor of Hong Kong Children's Choir,

  St. Paul’s Co-educational College Treble Choir HK,

  Ontario Cross-cultural Music Society Choir,
- Current conductor of St. Agnes Tsao Kuoying Catholic Church Choir,

  St. Luke's Catholic Church Choir,
  Toronto Harmony Makers,

  Toronto Season’s Choir.

Toronto Treble Voices is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Our coming concert will be in June, 2025


​​​​​Established by Ivy Lo & Stephen Ho, 2 experienced choral conductors and music educators in 2015. The mission of TTV is to provide professional choral training so that our children in Toronto can experience the beauty of harmony. TTV holds regular rehearsals during weekends in Markham area. Vocal techniques are taught through interactive activities with additional choral and ensemble trainings. A wide range of repertoire is introduced such as Hebrew, Latin, Russian and folksongs of other countries. With the purity of treble voices, TTV members are able to experience the natural beauty of harmony in music.

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